We want
survivor justice served.
Sexual and gender based violence is never the victim’s fault. Our attorneys help survivors navigate a hostile and confusing legal system, access justice, and hold perpetrators and institutions accountable.
What We Do
Our work centers on the survivor’s needs, is trauma-informed and intersectional, based in anti-oppression, race and gender equity principles. SVLC protects the privacy, safety, and civil rights of survivors of sexual violence in Washington state, and helps them to reclaim their lives through:

Legal Services
Legal assistance and representation

Trainings and

STRATEGIC Initiatives
Technology based abuse

We want survivor justice served.
Sexual violence is never the victim’s fault. Our attorneys help survivors navigate a hostile and confusing legal system, access justice, and hold perpetrators and institutions accountable.
What We Do
Our advocacy centers on the survivor’s needs, is trauma-informed and intersectional, based in anti-oppression, race and gender equity principles. SVLC protects the privacy, safety, and civil rights of survivors of sexual violence, and helps them to reclaim their lives through:

Legal Services
Legal assistance and representation

Policy reform, amicus support, technical assistance

Trainings and

STRATEGIC Initiatives
Technology based abuse
Your Rights
Sexual and gender based violence can have lasting impacts on all aspects of a survivor’s life, including legal consequences in many areas. It is important that a survivor is aware of their rights and options.
Speaking out publicly about your assault can be empowering and healing. It is important to be aware of the risks around defamation and know your options.
Are you at risk of losing your job because of reporting sexual assault or harassment?
Are you needing to move or break a lease because of the assault?
Do you fear deportation or your immigration status being in jeopardy?
Are you afraid for your safety and need the perpetrator to stay away?
Education (Title IX)
Are you experiencing trouble at school because of how administration is responding to your assault?
Are you unable to access appropriate medical and mental health services?
Is your private information or images being shared, requested or compromised?
Victim Rights
Are you looking to report to police or is your case being charged?
Rights As Minors
There is no universal age of consent for all legal issues related to your sexual assault. The age varies depending on the issue.
The Sexual Violence Law Center (SVLC) attorneys provide holistic, trauma-informed legal assistance to victims of sexual violence in a wide variety of legal matters, including protection orders, immigration, employment, public benefits, Title IX, housing, crime victim rights and more. We also provide technical assistance and trainings to advocates, attorneys, and judges working with victims of sexual violence.
Accurate and timely information about legal options and legal rights can assist both survivors and providers. If you don’t find the answer in our online resources, call our legal line at (844) 991-SVLC during business hours or email us to discuss your case and legal needs.